Keeping our facility clean and safe!

  • Mask wearing is optional, unless the people you are with request you to wear a mask, in which case you are expected to do so.

  • If governmental regulations are issued regarding mask wearing and vaccination status for work with children and/or food, you will be required to follow the guidelines - which will be communicated with you through Google Classroom as well as being physically posted on site.

  • Follow physical distance guidelines, keeping 3’-6’ apart from others when physical distancing guidelines are in place.

  • Keep the room set-up as found when entering the room, unless instructed otherwise.

  • Colored spots have been placed on the floors to indicate safe seating when physical distancing protocol is in place. Please note, in this situation:

    • Pillows will indicate safe seating on couches in the Fireside Room.

    • Some couches in the Pink Room do not have spots indicating seating, but one pillow in the center of those couches will indicate seating.

    • Chairs at the tables on the carpet in the Center and Computer Room are not marked by spots. Only two or three chairs will be at the tables and arranged for 6’ distancing.

  • Footprints indicate where one is to enter a room and exit a room when physical distancing protocols are in place. Most rooms have separate doors.

  • Pick up your cleaning pail from the Fellowship Hall at the beginning of each shift and take it with you to your assigned location. Return it to the Fellowship Hall at the end of each shift. Only in extreme circumstances are you to share your bucket or supplies with others.

  • Wipe down all door handles, light switches, all surfaces at the beginning of your shift and at the end of your shift. Gloves are provided for you and can be picked up by the ED’s desk for you to use when disinfecting your area.

  • You are responsible to sanitize and clean your area - this includes floors and window ledges.

  • If you have trash at the end of your shift, remove your trash and take it to the dumpster entering through southern-most door (near the stage). Make sure you put a new bag securely in your trash can after wiping down the exterior of the can and both the interior and exterior of the lid.

  • When using a restroom, do your part in keeping the restroom sanitized and clean.

  • Keep color-coded cleaning equipment in its appropriate room. There is no sharing of equipment between rooms.

  • Put your used rags in the rag hamper and your used mop pad in the mop hamper. Be sure to put a clean mop pad on your mop when you have put your used one in the laundry (which are stored in the custodial closet in the Fellowship Hall foyer).

  • Do not leave dirty mop heads in water.

  • Wash your hands often.

  • Use hand sanitizer frequently. Sanitizer stations can be found throughout the building.

  • Be sure to maintain your work area, the portion of the building you have been assigned to maintain and the bathroom area after each personal use.