Welcome, Rising TIDE Intern!
We are so excited to have you working with us to uplift young lives in our community.
Please complete the following mandatory steps to get your internship started at Rising TIDE:
Fill out our Learner Application: https://forms.gle/5bWxJpcPibC9cFaz8
Join our Google Classroom “Intern Impalas”: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTc1Mjc3MTEwNjM4?cjc=agdjva3
Sign up for CalChamber training: Please send an email by clicking here to designate an email to use for your CalChamber training.
Do your Fingerprints: Please visit your local fingerprint/live scan service location with this form to complete your fingerprints.
Please note, the company we usually use is down. This means you might have to pay the fee upfront and bring your receipt back for reimbursement. Fees are usually $20-$75, depending on location. Feel free to reach out to us if this will be an issue.
Find a Fingerprint location near me: https://oag.ca.gov/fingerprints/locations?county=Los+Angeles
I am so looking forward to you joining the Rising TIDE leadership team and becoming part of our Rising TIDE family. 💙
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at Adele@RisingTIDEatMKEC.org or 562-221-8882 (cell).
Again, welcome! — Adele, Rising TIDE Executive Director