The Hows & Wheres

Clubs/Special Opportunities

  • How will they work?

    • Clubs are developed to provide young people opportunities for growth in the areas designated by our pillars (examples are given after each pillar, highlighting types of clubs that have been offered in the past):

      • Arts: Art, Dance, Vocal/Theater, the Jazz Angels, Sewing

      • Life Skills: Baking, Money Management, Sewing

      • STEM: Math, Ecology

      • Health & Wellness: Soccer, Dance, Endurance Training

      • Specialized Programming: Summer Bible Club

      • Guided Learning: Reading & World Exploration

  • Highlighted Club Staff Responsibilities:

    • Execute engaging clubs that align with the mission/vision of Rising TIDE

    • If you are responsible for planning a club, make sure that your plans are pre-approved and that you are prepared with materials and anything you might need for your club (request supplies two weeks prior to need)

    • When leading a club, follow club plan or outline for each session

    • Maintain a professional demeanor over Google Meet and in-person

    • Utilize the virtual environment (for virtual classes) by staying on camera and recording your sessions

 Specialty Arenas

  •  How will they work: 

    • Staff members involved with specialty work will support the overall program through technology, facility upkeep, food preparation, and specialty projects.

  • Specific Staff Responsibilities:

    • Technology

      • Provide technical assistance in support of the program

      • Assist with monitoring, troubleshooting, and physical equipment

      • Utilize Google Meet to guide those who need help

      • Inform the ED when a problem is beyond a tech person’s means to solve

    • Facility Upkeep

      • Maintain the cleanliness and functionality of the facility to provide a safe and sanitary working environment for everyone present

      • Sanitize frequently touched surfaces (ex: door knobs/handles, tables, seats, etc.)

      • Detail assigned areas

      • Leave areas cleaner than when you found them

      • (Those assigned to) maintain sanitizing stations and soap dispensers must keep them filled and operational (report any malfunction to ED)

    • Food Preparation

      • Provide meals and/or groceries to Rising TIDE families

      • Follow Job Description (document) details

    • Specialized Projects

      • Fully engage with assignments given so as to benefit the overall programming of Rising TIDE

      • Preserve the dependability of Rising TIDE

Food Consumption

  • Where can students and staff eat?

    • Food can be eaten in the Fellowship Hall and in a limited area in the Fireside Room

    • Please note:

      • One half of the Yellow Room is designated a “No Food” area.

      • Food can only be consumed beyond these areas if it is part of the class activity. If this occurs, detailed cleaning is needed to make sure no crumbs or scraps are left.

 Best Practices

  • No outside food is to be consumed by staff in front of young people unless staff has yet to start their shift or is on their break in the Fireside Room or other special designated areas.

  • No ordering of outside drinks in front of young people, unless purchasing for them as well.

  • Outside drinks can be consumed on premise and during work hours.